The sci-fi/comedy book series Magic 2.0 by Scott Meyer follows the adventures of a programmer from 2012 named Martin who discovers a computer file that allows him to manipulate reality. He uses this power to time travel to medieval England where he meets a community of time-traveling programming wizards. From there, he explores England, Atlantis, and gets trapped in a video game simulation.
This book series is set in two realities, one in the present-day where he found the file and the other in times before like medieval England. The file allows him to manipulate the world around him like in a video game. So, to illustrate these parallel worlds, I wanted the dust jacket to be a landscape of the real world and the cover would be an 8-bit digital rendering of a scene that occurs in the book in that landscape setting, where what merges the gap between them is simply different mouse icons as if the user is performing an action.