Every once in a while, we must take a step back and think about what’s good in the world. One of those things for me is pets. Pets show us unconditional love and give us friendship when we are at our loneliest. They give us something to care and live for. They can make our lives so much better and happier, and the first step in this direction is adoption.​​​​​​​
Find Your Player 2 is designed like an 8-bit RPG-style game where you start off by choosing one player or two. As a solo player, your life is mundane and lonely. You have no one to turn to when you’re scared and no one by your side. You run out of hearts because your happiness and zeal for life has depleted. It’s game over. You retry except with two players, the second being your pet. You’re suddenly so happy and have someone to spend time with. They are there for you and your hearts get stronger like you gained armor. Life is better. By being given the illusion of controlling the character like in a video game, you feel more connected to the character and begin to reflect on your own life and if adopting a pet is right for you.

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